Prepare for your CSEP-CPT or CSEP-CEP certification exams with these recommended study resources.
IMPORTANT: Only the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) provides access to its approved study and examination preparation materials. CSEP does not have an agreement with any third party to provide practice exams or study material, for example on the website Exam Prep Hero. Valid and appropriate exam preparation materials can be found on the CSEP website and via the CSEP candidate password-protected area on
Steps to Becoming CSEP Certified
View the 5 Steps to Becoming CSEP Certified to help guide you through the certification process. The CSEP team will provide you with communication and detailed instructions at each step of the process including registration links.
CSEP Certified Personal Trainer® Certification & Study Guide
In this guide you’ll find details on completing the exam process, preparing for your CSEP-CPT Theory and Practical Exams, and study questions. This certification guide is a complement to the CSEP-PATH® Resource Manual (the required resource for all CSEP-CPT candidates) and enhances your experience in pursuing certification.
CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist™ (CSEP-CEP) Certification and Study Guide, 1st Edition
A CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist™ (CSEP-CEP) performs assessments/evaluations, prescribes conditioning exercise, provides exercise supervision/monitoring, coaching, healthy lifestyle education, and outcome evaluation for apparently healthy individuals and/or populations with medical conditions, functional limitations, or disabilities through the application of physical activity/exercise, for the purpose of improving health and function.
The CSEP Clinical Exercise Physiologist™ (CSEP-CEP) Certification and Study Guide, First Edition is your best resource for starting the CSEP-CEP certification journey.
CSEP Physical Activity Training for Health® (CSEP-PATH®) Resource Manual Second Edition
The CSEP-PATH® offers a comprehensive, evidence-based foundation for the training and work of qualified exercise professionals. The Resource Manual includes a comprehensive set of evidence-based physical activity, fitness, and lifestyle assessment protocols. The manual includes a Toolkit with client questionnaires, handouts, worksheets, and tools for qualified exercise professionals. This is a required resource for all CSEP-CPTs.
The Second Edition of the manual, released in 2019, has been extensively updated with content to reflect the latest research in exercise science, and an easy to use look and feel.
CSEP Recommended Course Maps
To assist applicants and candidates in planning their education to support their certification goals we have developed CSEP Recommended Course Maps (RCM). CSEP RCMs are a resource to help interested applicants plan courses to ensure ones that cover the knowledge that will be challenged in the exams are pursued.
This is a tool developed in conjunction with a number of institutions to identify academic courses that cover content in the CSEP-CPT and CSEP-CEP core competencies. There may be other courses that will meet the Core Competencies, therefore CSEP RCMs aim to be a tool to support your success and not a prescriptive outline.
CSEP-CEP Candidate Practical Hours Logbook
All CSEP-CEP Candidates need to provide documentation to confirm they have met the practical hour requirement.
Download a sample of a completed logbook that would satisfy the requirements for CSEP-CEP practical hours. Use this template to fill in your practical hours when applying.