
Elevated plasma lactate levels via exogenous lactate infusion do not alter resistance exercise-induced signaling or protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle


This study explored whether experimentally increasing blood lactate increased muscle protein synthesis, an important process that contributes to an increase in muscle mass. November 20, 2020 [...]

Elevated plasma lactate levels via exogenous lactate infusion do not alter resistance exercise-induced signaling or protein synthesis in human skeletal muscle2021-06-29T10:08:17-04:00

Drinking a novel ketone supplement may not affect muscle metabolism or performance during cycling


Ingesting the ketone monoester supplement before exercise increased blood ketone levels in 30 minutes. September 1, 2020 Devin G McCarthy, PhD Student Department of Kinesiology, McMaster [...]

Drinking a novel ketone supplement may not affect muscle metabolism or performance during cycling2021-06-29T10:11:11-04:00




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